Class ZipClient
The main class used to interact with the Zip payments API.
Inherited Members
Namespace: Yort.Zip.InStore
Assembly: Yort.Zip.InStore.dll
public class ZipClient : IZipClient, IDisposable
| Improve this Doc View SourceZipClient(HttpClient, ZipClientConfiguration)
Full constructor.
public ZipClient(HttpClient httpClient, ZipClientConfiguration configuration)
Type | Name | Description |
HttpClient | httpClient | See the method remarks for important information. An HttpClient instance to use to access the Zip API, or null to have the ZipClient create it's own internally. Supply your own if you wish to apply handlers for logging, retry logic etc. |
ZipClientConfiguration | configuration | A ZipClientConfiguration instance providing client credentials, the API environment to access and other required details. |
If you are injecting an instance of HttpClient via the httpClient
make sure the 'AllowAutoRedirect' property on the inner most handler (and any intermediate ones)
is set to false. The Zip API returns redirect responses in some situations that must be handled manually by the ZipClient instance for correct behaviour to be applied.
Partial constructor.
public ZipClient(ZipClientConfiguration configuration)
Type | Name | Description |
ZipClientConfiguration | configuration | A ZipClientConfiguration instance providing client credentials, the API environment to access and other required details. |
| Improve this Doc View SourceCancelOrderAsync(CancelOrderRequest)
Requests a previously created order be cancelled.
public Task<CancelOrderResponse> CancelOrderAsync(CancelOrderRequest request)
Type | Name | Description |
CancelOrderRequest | request | A CancelOrderRequest providing details of the order to be cancelled and operation/terminal that is requesting cancellation. |
Type | Description |
Task<CancelOrderResponse> | A CancelOrderResponse instance. |
Type | Condition |
ArgumentNullException | Thrown if |
ArgumentException | Thrown if any sub-property of |
ZipApiException | Thrown if the Zip API returns an error response. |
UnauthorizedAccessException | Thrown if the request to Zip is unauthorised, or if insufficient/incorrect client authentication details have been provided via the ZipClientConfiguration. |
HttpRequestException | Thrown for some types of network and HTTP failures, usually where the request has not made it to the server for processing. |
OperationCanceledException | Thrown if a timeout occurs calling the Zip API. |
Commits (completes) an order previously created via CreateOrderAsync(CreateOrderRequest) using the Auth flow.
public Task CommitOrderAsync(CommitOrderRequest request)
Type | Name | Description |
CommitOrderRequest | request | A CommitOrderRequest containing details of the order to commit. |
Type | Description |
Task | A task that can be awaited to know when the operation has completed. If the task does not return an exception, the auth completed succesfully. Use the GetOrderStatusAsync(OrderStatusRequest) to confirm. |
Type | Condition |
ArgumentNullException | Thrown if |
ArgumentException | Thrown if any sub-property of |
ZipApiException | Thrown if the Zip API returns an error response. |
UnauthorizedAccessException | Thrown if the request to Zip is unauthorised, or if insufficient/incorrect client authentication details have been provided via the ZipClientConfiguration. |
HttpRequestException | Thrown for some types of network and HTTP failures, usually where the request has not made it to the server for processing. |
OperationCanceledException | Thrown if a timeout occurs calling the Zip API. |
Creates a new order (payment) with Zip.
public Task<CreateOrderResponse> CreateOrderAsync(CreateOrderRequest request)
Type | Name | Description |
CreateOrderRequest | request | Details of the order to be created. |
Type | Description |
Task<CreateOrderResponse> | Details of the created order if succesful, otherwise throws an exception. |
If the EnableUniqueMerchantReferenceCheck is true and the specified MerchantReference has been used before this method will behave in an idempotent way, returning a successful response but without creating a duplicate order. If EnableUniqueMerchantReferenceCheck is false and duplicate merchant reference is used, a dupliate order will be created in Zip.
Type | Condition |
ArgumentNullException | Thrown if |
ArgumentException | Thrown if any sub-property of |
ZipApiException | Thrown if the Zip API returns an error response. |
UnauthorizedAccessException | Thrown if the request to Zip is unauthorised, or if insufficient/incorrect client authentication details have been provided via the ZipClientConfiguration. |
HttpRequestException | Thrown for some types of network and HTTP failures, usually where the request has not made it to the server for processing. |
OperationCanceledException | Thrown if a timeout occurs calling the Zip API. |
Disposes this instance and all internal resources.
public void Dispose()
See Also
| Improve this Doc View SourceDispose(Boolean)
Disposes resources used by this instance.
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
Type | Name | Description |
Boolean | disposing | True if dispose is being called explicitly by client code, or false if it is being called from a finalizer (indicating only unmanaged resources should be cleaned up). |
See Also
| Improve this Doc View SourceEnrolAsync(EnrolRequest)
Allows retrieval of the client id and secret used to request new auth tokens using the Zip device enrolment system.
public Task<EnrolResponse> EnrolAsync(EnrolRequest request)
Type | Name | Description |
EnrolRequest | request | A EnrolRequest instance providing details of the device to enrol. |
Type | Description |
Task<EnrolResponse> | A EnrolResponse instance containing details of the token returned. |
On a successful response, not only does the EnrolResponse returned contain the client id and secret so the caller can persist them for future sessions, but the client id and secret returned will be automatically applied to the configuration for this ZipClient instance.
Type | Condition |
ArgumentNullException | Thrown if |
ArgumentException | Thrown if any sub-property of |
ZipApiException | Thrown if the Zip API returns an error response. |
UnauthorizedAccessException | Thrown if the request to Zip is unauthorised, or if insufficient/incorrect client authentication details have been provided via the ZipClientConfiguration. |
HttpRequestException | Thrown for some types of network and HTTP failures, usually where the request has not made it to the server for processing. |
OperationCanceledException | Thrown if a timeout occurs calling the Zip API. |
Requests the current status of the specified order from the Zip API.
public Task<OrderStatusResponse> GetOrderStatusAsync(OrderStatusRequest request)
Type | Name | Description |
OrderStatusRequest | request | A OrderStatusRequest providing details of the order to return the status of. |
Type | Description |
Task<OrderStatusResponse> | If successful a OrderStatusResponse containing details of the specified order's status. Otherwise throws an exception. |
Type | Condition |
ArgumentNullException | Thrown if |
ArgumentException | Thrown if any sub-property of |
ZipApiException | Thrown if the Zip API returns an error response. |
UnauthorizedAccessException | Thrown if the request to Zip is unauthorised, or if insufficient/incorrect client authentication details have been provided via the ZipClientConfiguration. |
HttpRequestException | Thrown for some types of network and HTTP failures, usually where the request has not made it to the server for processing. |
OperationCanceledException | Thrown if a timeout occurs calling the Zip API. |
Refunds some or all of the money taken as part of a previously completed order.
public Task<RefundOrderResponse> RefundOrderAsync(RefundOrderRequest request)
Type | Name | Description |
RefundOrderRequest | request | A RefundOrderRequest specifying details of the refund to create and the order to create it against. |
Type | Description |
Task<RefundOrderResponse> | A RefundOrderResponse with details of a succesful outcome. |
Type | Condition |
ArgumentNullException | Thrown if |
ArgumentException | Thrown if any sub-property of |
ZipApiException | Thrown if the Zip API returns an error response. |
UnauthorizedAccessException | Thrown if the request to Zip is unauthorised, or if insufficient/incorrect client authentication details have been provided via the ZipClientConfiguration. |
HttpRequestException | Thrown for some types of network and HTTP failures, usually where the request has not made it to the server for processing. |
OperationCanceledException | Thrown if a timeout occurs calling the Zip API. |
Rolls back (cancels/undoes) an order previously created via CreateOrderAsync(CreateOrderRequest) using the Auth flow.
public Task RollbackOrderAsync(RollbackOrderRequest request)
Type | Name | Description |
RollbackOrderRequest | request | A RollbackOrderRequest containing details of the order to rollback. |
Type | Description |
Task | A task that can be awaited to know when the operation has completed. If the task does not return an exception, the auth rolled back succesfully. Use the GetOrderStatusAsync(OrderStatusRequest) to confirm. |
Type | Condition |
ArgumentNullException | Thrown if |
ArgumentException | Thrown if any sub-property of |
ZipApiException | Thrown if the Zip API returns an error response. |
UnauthorizedAccessException | Thrown if the request to Zip is unauthorised, or if insufficient/incorrect client authentication details have been provided via the ZipClientConfiguration. |
HttpRequestException | Thrown for some types of network and HTTP failures, usually where the request has not made it to the server for processing. |
OperationCanceledException | Thrown if a timeout occurs calling the Zip API. |